Welcome to the Jelly Tutorial!

Jelly is a recreational programming language created by Dennis Mitchell for code golf, a competition to write the shortest code to complete a certain task. It is a tacit programming language and is inspired by J, a practical tacit language.

Jelly uses a custom Single Byte Character Set (SBCS), so each of its characters take one byte (this is important as code golf is usually scored in bytes, and not characters). Installation instructions are available on its GitHub repository:

pip3 install --upgrade --user git+https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jellylanguage.git
jelly eun '“3ḅaė;œ»'

This should output Hello, World! to the console.

Alternatively, you can run Jelly on Dennis's own Try It Online!, or the interface on this site here, which uses TIO's API.

How to get started

Jelly can be quite intimidating to get into, as its structure is not always intuitive to a beginner and tacit programming requires a significant learning curve if you're new to it. If you are completely new to tacit programming and Jelly, a good place to start is the beginners' page under the resources tab. There are other resources available for documentation and lessons ranging from introductory to more advanced. Finally, you can find help in the Jelly Hypertraining chat room on Stack Exchange; however, you will need a Stack Exchange account and request access to send messages in that room.